
2023年1月8日—Thestoryisasopenasitgets:You'rerecruitedtosolveabigissue,withmanyunderlyingissues.Thatisgood!Itreallyworksforopen ...,Wasteland3isamaturegamethatregularlydepictsviolenceandgorethroughcombat,stronglanguage,andadultsituations.READMORE.SystemRequirements.,Wasteland3isoneofthebestRPG'sof2020.Yourchoicesmatter,yourbuildmatters,everythingyoudomatters.Youdon'tjustplaythisgame,youliveinit...

Just finished Wasteland 3, here's my (likely controversial) ...

2023年1月8日 — The story is as open as it gets: You're recruited to solve a big issue, with many underlying issues. That is good! It really works for open ...

Save 66% on Wasteland 3 on Steam

Wasteland 3 is a mature game that regularly depicts violence and gore through combat, strong language, and adult situations. READ MORE. System Requirements.

Wasteland 3

Wasteland 3 is one of the best RPG's of 2020. Your choices matter, your build matters, everything you do matters. You don't just play this game, you live in it.

Wasteland 3 - Review Thread

2020年8月26日 — Wasteland 3 is a heady crescendo of post-apocalyptic story-telling. Its combat is compelling and fun while its characters and overall plot are ...

Wasteland 3 Review

2020年8月27日 — Wasteland 3 doesn't add much to the tactical RPG formula, but its impressive freedom of choice, its dark and rough humor, and its satisfying ...

Wasteland 3 review: time to make the post

2020年9月3日 — A classically styled role-playing game, it is competently designed and adequately entertaining, with high production values and enough hours of ...

Wasteland 3 review

2020年8月26日 — It rewards tinkering, but is straightforward enough that old school Wasteland fans and CRPG novices will both find plenty to enjoy. Both will ...